Career Discovery

Odyssey Career Discovery translates science interest into real world accomplishments. Students witness first-hand what they could achieve with a science education by visiting organizations that research, develop and market innovative technology
— Jim Charlton - Director, Mitchell Odyssey Foundation & Senior Vice President, Growth Works Capital

Career Discovery – Helping Students Explore Careers in STEM

Odyssey School Programs allocated 10% of their budget to support Career Discovery visits so students could see first hand what they can accomplish with a degree in STEM. Career Discovery exposed students to innovative organizations and leading-edge technology - while creating the opportunity to interact with engineers, technicians and scientists working in these unique environments. Visit formats varied depending on the host organization, with most visits lasting 90 min to 2 hours long, and with some hosts providing half day or full day workshop style experiences for students. All Career Discovery visits included an overview of the host organization (product, services, research, staff, locations, etc); hands-on tours of the facilities; and a discussion on career path opportunities. Career Discovery visits also explored post-secondary institutions to expose students to campuses, interact with university students and professors, and create connections in their local community and beyond.

It was extremely fascinating being apart of this field trip in which we learned nanotechnology concepts and had the chance to view how these particles are seen through microscopes, made through lasers and used through applications such as liquid magnets, or liquid crystals changing shapes back and forth, also changing color through chemical reaction
— King George Secondary Student after Career Discovery Visit to 4D Labs at SFU
It was an unforgettable experience that has broadened my horizon about chemistry and engineer
— Jason, Grade 11, after a Career Discovery visit to a research lab
I got the chance to meet some of the people and organization behind the technology that is on the brink of revolutionizing the world and it was a very eye opening experience”. “I learned the meaning behind the works ‘engineers shape the future’. The presentation was great and the nuclear plasma examples really helped my understanding
— Grade 11 Students from Steveston London Secondary after Career Discovery Visit to General Fusion to explore targeted magnetic fusion