Mitchell Odyssey Foundation Impact


Odyssey Program at Steveston London Secondary in Richmond

The impact of Mitchell Odyssey funding on our science students and teachers cannot be overstated. School budgets are always very tight with very little money available for new technologies. Thanks to the Mitchell Odyssey Foundation our Science Department has been able to purchase new and relevant equipment/technologies: like computer projectors and document cameras for every science teacher, Lego NXT robotics kits for the Engineering club, and soon a 3D printer for the science department. They have also provided funds to support numerous Engineering related field trips. Over the past seven years over 900 students have been directly involved in Engineering related activities/events at SLSS. And each year The SLSS Science Department services over 1200 students. All of these students mentioned have benefited and will continue to benefit from Odyssey funding.  


Abbotsford Gearbots Program

The Odyssey Gearbots Project introduces students to the exciting field of Robotics by developing key skills in applied physics, math and technology skills in a fun, interactive setting. To learn more about the Abbotsford Secondary Gearbots Engineering Program, check out the comprehensive resources at Gearbots has been transformed to include Makerspace that integrates arts with STEM to encourage students to dream, invent and share their creations with pride.


Odyssey Program at Norkam Secondary in Kamloops

This Technology Project focused on connecting technology and science learning. Each science class was equipped with a projector, computer and smartboard technology to create interactive learning opportunities by accessing webcasts from the NASA Digital Learning Network; linked to other classes for science experiments like the CIESE program; and broadcast classroom experiment results through podcasts. Career Discovery visits included TRIUMPH at UBC, Bamfield Marine Research Centre and various mining and technology fair events. New technology like force plates and probeware expanded student learning opportunities.


Odyssey Program Impact at King George Secondary in Vancouver

Through partnerships with scientists, science groups, engineers and urban groups, this program extended the school’s Livable City theme to help students become agents of scientific development, environmental change and urban sustainability. The program bridged the gap between theory covered in the classroom and real world experience. Students participated in the design, implementation and monitoring stages of the Solar Heat Accelerator Project that includes solar panels, a display unit and a classroom demonstration model. Other activities included Engineers Without Borders, an Environmental Youth Alliance photo project examining environmental issues and an Environmental Café to increase youth awareness and create action plans. This Odyssey program evolved into a Science Stars Program that empowers students to take ownership of their learning, to explore career connections in industry and to create science challenges that leverage the culture of environmental sustainability and science innovation at King George Secondary.


Summerland Virtual Learning

Odyssey teacher Raja Gupta incorporated virtual learning (like the SOLE concept) to connect students with scientists like David Suzuki and used NASA podcasts to share experiments. Summerland worked to collaborate with others across Canada on the launch of 150 balloons into space on July 1, 2017 to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, similar to a student-led project at their school


ASIA Sumas Mountain

Integrated science and art while students crochet hyperbolic choral reef & kelp forest (science enrollment increases 144%) School-wide Rube Goldberg machine that incorporates science concepts, arts, music and a very creative use of “human machines” to “keep the ball rolling”. Listen for famous symphony created from pieces of wood.

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King George Environmental Leadership

The solar panel project created partnerships with research groups and community; and helped build a strong culture of environmental leaders.


King George Science Celebration

MOF funding was used to buy other new technology like Pasco probes to encourage critical thinking, experimental design and science fair participation. In 2 years, the school science fair participation doubled and District entries went from 8 to 30. Science fair participation evolved into annual science day celebration with student led activities like building a Rube Goldberg Machine

This funding has afforded us many opportunities to provide our students with a wider array of experiences that promote and foster a greater understanding, appreciation, and excitement around the field of science.
— Steve Rauh, Vice Principal, AR MacNeill Secondary

Thanks to Mitchell Odyssey Foundation funding these two websites have been developed.

Victoria High School Marine Research – Seaquaria technology provides hands-on exploration with in-class aquarium, touch table, cameras and dissecting scopes. Students connect with researchers at UVIC and Vancouver Aquarium; and explore careers at Archipelago Marine Research ( Student-led research is shared on their marine research website.



Abbotsford Gearbots Program - Odyssey funding supported the development of this innovative program that engaged students with robotics to develop STEM skills in a fun, interactive setting. It evolved into a Makespace concept for students to explore engineering design and innovation.


Gearbots Website.png